Do Edibles Attract Bears?
A couple of summers back, I was out camping in the woods, baked out of my mind on some brownies. The sun was setting, the forest was getting all spooky quiet, and I started thinking: Are these brownies gonna attract a bear? Is there a bear out there sniffing these brownies out right now? I wasn’t just tripping, I was actually worried.
So, I got curious about this whole cannabis edibles and bears thing. I did some digging, and now I wanna share what I found out so you can chill with your treats in the woods without stressing.

key takeawayS
Do Weed Edibles Attract Bears?
So, lets go direct to the point! Cannabis edibles do not attract bears any more than regular food does. While the THC or CBD in your treats isn’t likely to draw wildlife, the sugars, fats, and other ingredients certainly could.
Bears are known for their extraordinary olfactory abilities, which are several times stronger than that of a bloodhound. They can detect food smells from over a mile away.
💡 Fun Fact: The official website of the National Park Service states that a bear can smell you from Yosemite Valley to the top of Mount Lyell (Holy f”#$!).
Keep in mind that their diet is driven by the need to pack on calories for hibernation, so they are drawn to calorie-dense, aromatic foods. Most edibles, like gummies, cookies, or brownies, are loaded with sugars, fats, and other compounds that are highly appealing to bears (just like any other camp snack). But what about the cannabis itself?
- Cannabis Aroma: Raw cannabis has a distinct earthy smell, but it’s unlikely to tempt a bear on its own. It’s the tasty vehicle: brownies, chocolates, or even infused butter, that grabs their attention.
- THC and CBD: These cannabinoids don’t have a smell that would stand out to wildlife. It’s more the sugars, fats, and other stuff you’d find in regular food that really draws them in.
Which Bear Might be Attracted by Edibles?
Potentially, any species of bear could be attracted to the smell of the marijuana edible you carry in your bag. However, keep in mind that in the United States, there are two species of bears that are quite common and therefore these are the bears most likely to show up!
American Black Bear
Its scientific name is “Ursus Americanus” and it is the most common bear species in the United States, being found in 40 of the 50 states that make up the country. They are usually black, however, there are some with whiter shades of white and brown.
Although they are one of the smallest bear species but don’t be fooled, they are bears that have an average weight of between 310 and 325 pounds. You surely don’t want your weed to put you in front of one of these huge animals!
Grizzly or Brown Bear
This critter is one of the biggest omnivores in North America? I mean, huge! They can weigh over 1,200 pounds and stand almost 8 feet tall on their back legs. Crazy, right?
Grizzly bears are known to be pretty tough customers, especially compared to other bears. You hear about a lot of attacks on people in the US every year, which makes them seem really scary. But often, it’s just a case of someone surprising a bear, and the bear gets scared and acts out. Still, you probably don’t want to run into one!
Strains Most Likely to Attract Bears
However, most stoners have a penchant for weed with fruity flavors and aromas, which can range from the most citrusy flavors to those delicious sweet tones. Unfortunately, many fruits are an important part of the bears diet and that’s why edibles made with fruity strains are the most likely to attract them!
There is a huge variety of fruity strains, however, these five are the ones that emanate a much stronger odor and therefore, the ones you should avoid on your edibles when you want to go camping in the woods:
- Plushberry.
- Kosher Kush.
- Space Queen.
- Strawberry Cough.
- Black Cherry Soda.
Safe Practices for Cannabis Users in Bear Country
Alright, so you’re heading out to the woods, and you hear there might be bears around. No biggie, just gotta be a bit careful. Here’s the deal:
- Store All Food Properly: Use a good bear canister (like the BearVault) and make sure to bury or hang your food (even those yummy edibles!) at least 10 feet high and 4 feet out from the tree trunk
- Keep Campsites Clean: Don’t leave food scraps, wrappers, or containers lying around. Bears can associate human presence with easy meals, which creates a dangerous situation for both you and the animals.
- Avoid Cooking or Eating Near Your Tent: Bears can be drawn to lingering food odors. Keep your sleeping area and food prep zones separate.
So, here’s the deal: if you’re planning to enjoy your cannabis edibles under the stars, and you don’t want to worry about them being a special bear magnet. Then just be a responsible camper. Pack smart, store smarter, and don’t tempt fate by leaving a buffet out for curious critters.